Some nice butterflies included this night-roosting Marbled White.

Plenty of Orthoptera including Scaly Cricket on Chesil Beach - initially overlooked as I hadn't realised they were so small! Far too quick for photographs, clearly. 

James Lowen 


There were some really good micros too - particular thanks to Martin for attracting my attention to them and suggesting where to look for them.


A rather successful start to a family holiday, then. And I must remember that it is a family holiday, not a mothing trip...

Migrants were scarce on the ground, but my daughter Maya found a glorious Small Marbled while searching for Orthoptera, and we also saw L-album Wainscot (from Martin's home trap), Rusty-dot Pearls, Silver Ys and Diamond-backs.

The mothing comprised: daytime rummaging around the coast, including on Chesil Beach and amidst Golden Samphire; being fascinated by the glories of Martin's Obs and home traps; running an actinic outside the Obs; sitting next to an actinic for a few hours on a coastal cliff (hoping for Bloxworth Snout); and - best of all - several hours dusking then torching around Broadcroft Quarry, which was absolutely humming with nocturnal activity. The resident macro highlights were Portland Ribbon Wave (one netted in Broadcroft Quarry and a much better specimen that Martin caught at his home in Grove; Marbled Green; Brussels Lace; several Kent Black Arches; Barred Rivulet; Small Purple-barredNorthern Rustic​; many Crescent Dart; and Oak Eggar. A few of these took me by surprises, as I hadn't realised that they were here.


20 July 2019  Portland

Family Lowen has just spent three lovely days on the Isle of Portland, staying in the cottage annex of Portland Bird Observatory. Clearly, this being #MyMothYear, I had an ulterior motive - which involved seeing some speciality moths of rocky coasts. Thanks to the generous and genial genius Martin Cade, I very largely succeeded - seeing 25 new moths for the year, of which 19 were new for me. All the key targets for the book were secured - with much more besides.