James Lowen 



BLOG 2019 and quick link to 2018/17/16 blogs

24 Dec 2019 Happy Sibemas (Eastern Yellow Wagtail in Norfolk)

7 Dec 2019 Eddie (presumably escaped Eagle Owl in Norfolk)

4 Dec 2019 Moth advent calendar (25 of the year's highlights, on Twitter)

25 Nov 2019 Mission complete (Black-spotted Chestnut in Kent)

24 Nov 2019Autumn prom (Plumed Prominent in Suffolk)

16 Nov 2019 Hooms (Hume's Warbler but no self-found rares in Norfolk)

10 Nov 2019 November is the new October (Isabelline Wheatear in Norfolk)

9 Nov 2019 Sonogram birding (Eastern Yellow Wagtail in Suffolk)

27 Oct 2019 Kernow (a week in Cornwall, which retrospectively produced Paddyfield Pipit)

17 Oct 2019 Autumn moths(mainly in our Norfolk garden)

16 Oct 2019 It's October, so I go birding (a fall of autumn migrants in Norfolk)

6 Oct 2019 Camouflage (spot the Feathered Ranunculus and Large Ranunculus)

5 Oct 2019 Southern comfort (Clifden Nonpareil in Hants; Southern Chestnut, Sombre Brocade & Oleander Hawk-moth in Dorset)

​28 Sep 2019 National Moth Night (public event at Bawdsey Hall, Suffolk)

27 Sep 2019 Garden+(two Dewick's Plusias in my Norwich garden)

22 Sep 2019 Nonpareil (jointly finding Clifden Nonpareil in Suffolk)

20 Sep 2019 #ClimateStrike (Joining the Climate Strike in Norwich)

16 Sep 2019 Stan and Olly (Eastern Olivaceous Warbler in Hampshire)

15 Sep 2019 Fisher's friend (Fisher's Estuarine Moth in Essex)

11 Sep 2019 Damp moths (Fisher's Estuarine Moth in Kent and Marsh Mallow Moth in Sussex)

3 Sep 2019 Booby prize (Brown Booby in Cornwall, on the third day of trying)

29 Aug 2019 True blue (a twitched Clifden Nonpareil in Suffolk)

25 Aug 2019 Hungry cat (Elephant Hawk-moth caterpillars in the garden)

15 Aug 2019 Gypsy (Gypsy Moth, Raspberry Clearwing & Jersey Tiger in London; Red Underwing in Norfolk)

9 Aug 2019 Bed(straw)time (night in Suffolk with Sandhill Rustic, Ground Lackey & 2 Bedstraw Hawk-moths)

5 Aug 2019 Kent's glories, 2 (4 days mothing inc Dusky Hook-tip, Scarce Chocolate-tip, Tamarisk Peacock)

29 July 2019 Garden mega (Sycamore Slender in Norwich, plus Wood Sandpiper over my garden)

28 July 2019 Purbeck invertebrates(starring Purbeck Mason Wasp, Heath Tiger Beetle, Mottled Bee-fly etc)

27 July 2019 Purbeck moths(a week moth-ing in Dorset, with Dingy Mocha, Small Grass Emerald etc)

20 July 2019 Portland(Portland Ribbon Wave, Small Marbled, coastal micros)

15 July 2019 Wave hello (Weaver's Wave, Ashworth's Rustic, Silky Wave, Dune Helleborine)

7 July 2019 Mar (new colony of Marsh Carpet in Norwich, plus Norfolk beach moths & Marbled Clover)

4 July 2019 Kent's glories, 1 (Bright Wave, Sussex Emerald, Scarce Merveille du Jour, Hypercallia citrinalis​

29 June 2019 Ocean's 11 (Silky Wave, Scarce Hook-tip; New Forest, Slender Scotch & Transparent Burnets)

24 June 2019 Star with stripes (classic Broadland & Norfolk beach moths, plus Striped Hawk-moth in Suffolk)

23 June 2019 Silver dragon(Silver Barred [Cambs], Welsh Clearwing [Notts] & Chrysolina banksii [Suffolk])

18 June 2019 Scarce (Scarce Forester, Rest Harrow, Reed Leopard, Silver Hook & Hornet Moth)

14 June 2019 Three colours buff (Scarce Pug, Marbled Clover, Rosy Marbled, Concolorous etc)

12 June 2019 Ghosts (lekking Ghost Moths on a Norfolk village green)

11 June 2019 Kent's magnificent moths, 1 (White Spot, Black-veined Moth, Dew Moth, Anania funebris)

31 May 2019 Carpet crop (Breckland moths starring Grey Carpet)

30 May 2019 Marsh Moth (nine male and one unprecedented female Marsh Moth in Lincolnshire)

29 May 2019 What the pug? (Fletcher's Pug at Wytham Woods, plus lots of Four-spotted in Cambs)

28 May 2019 Chase & lace (Lace Border & Scarce Chaser in Norfolk; moth-trapping with UEA students)

27 May 2019 May clears off (White-barred, Red-tipped and Yellow-legged clearwings in a day, in Norfolk)

26 May 2019 Flies and frits (Fly Orchid hybrids, two rare fritillaries, Argent & Sable etc in Hants/Dorset)

25 May 2019 Barberry (surveying for the rare Barberry Carpet in Dorset)

23 May 2019 Geoff! (the stunning micro moth formally known as Alabonia geoffrella in Dorset)

20 May 2019 May misc (Sabre Wasp and Tawny Wave in Norfolk)

19 May 2019 Dancers (lekking Green Longhorn moths in Norfolk)

18 May 2019 Dilemma (whether or not to rescue a demoiselle in distress)

17 May 2019 The eyes have it... (Eyed hawk-moth pupae hatch)

10 May 2019 Black and blue (Black Tern, Bluebell Conch and Orange-tip in Norfolk)

8 May 2019 Dukes and Sables (White-spotted Sable and Duke of Burgundy in Kent)

2 May 2019 Birthday belter(Norfolk's earliest ever Large Red-belted Clearwing)

26 Apr 2019 Pentagon of Beauty (Rannoch Brindled Beauty in Strathspey, Belted Beauty again in Cumbria)

23 Apr 2019 What's the story, Kentish Glory?(Kentish Glory in Strathspey and Deesside)

18 Apr 2019 Go ye slo(Sloe Carpet in Essex)

16 Apr 2019 Winner! (my book The Butterfly Pavilion wins a Nautilus Silver Award)

15 Apr 2019 Line of beauty (Belted Beauty in Cumbria)

13 Apr 20198 Blackadder II (walkaway views of the melanistic Adder)

12 Apr 2019 Blackadder(my first glimpse of a melanistic Adder, plus a new nomad me for RSPB Minsmere)

9 Apr 2019 Snakelove (my daughter loving a trip out to see Adders)

2 Apr 2019 Happy moth-er's day (Dotted Chestnut, Orange Underwing, moth-er vs moth-watcher)

25 March 2019 March moths (Barred Tooth-striped, Emperor, Dotted Chestnut,Broom-tip, Virgin Bagworm)

23 March 2019 Water ermine (showy Otters in the Brecks)

5 Mar 2019 Tengmum's-the-word (Tengmalm's Owl on Shetland)

25 Feb 2019 Snake (my first day with Adders this year)

14 Feb 2019 Gonads (a Valentine's Day musing on taking specimens to improve knowledge)

2 Feb 2019 Case in point (searching for the larval cases of Richardson's Case-bearer moth in Dorset)

27 Jan 2019 A kindness of moth-ers (so many people keen to help me with my moth book!)

23 Jan 2019 Recent articles (Telegraph, BBC Wildlife, Nature's Home, BirdLife, Bird Watching, The Countryman, Blue Sky Wildlife)

16 Jan 2019 Juan the Guan (my appearance on the podcast of the late Bill Thompson III)

15 Jan 2019. Early moths (searching for the early stages of moths, including Lunar Yellow Underwing)

1 Jan 2019  Home truths (garden year listing in Norwich)